Thursday, April 19, 2012

30 weeks!

Wow! It has been a while since I blogged anything. To be perfectly honest, I have just been too tired from being pregnant, chasing my sweet 2 year old, taking care of the household chores, and everything else to sit down and write! 

Can you believe that as of today I have completed 2/3 of my pregnancy! I have 10 weeks left..HOPEFULLY less! We went to the doctor Tuesday for my monthly check-up. Everything looked great! I had passed my sugar test, my iron level was good, and NO weight gain thus far! Oh and my placenta has moved, so a c-section is no longer a concern!!

We also got to see baby Charlie on a 4D ultrasound! That had to be the best part :) Here are a few pictures of our sweet baby!

Both Jed and I think he looks just like his big brother! His lips do look a little fuller to me though :) He already weighs 3 lbs. 15 oz. and the the lady who did the ultrasound said if he kept up this rate of growth he would more than likely be bigger than James at birth! Um, ouch!!  

We can't wait to meet our little man!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little shopping...

We are past the halfway mark in the pregnancy! Wha?!?! I can't believe it. It's going by fast this time. Probably because I have a very active little toddler to chase around this time ;)

I've been waiting till we knew the gender to buy anything, and the truth is we don't need a whole lot because I kept EVERYTHING from when I had James. I couldn't resist picking up a couple cute things for Charlie though. 

Here are my two favorites so far :)

I got this ADORABLE sock monkey hat from Etsy. I know it's a little warm for a June baby, but we are planning to have to some newborn pictures made, and I really want him to have a few pics made in this. I LOVE IT!!

I bought this from a custom children's boutique Called Izzy B's. She has made pretty much all James' personalized shirts and outfits, and I just love her stuff. Charlie is going to look so cute in his onesie!!

I also ordered some matching siblings shirts for the boys, but they have not yet come in. I can't believe in less than 20 weeks I will have 2 sweet little boys! :) We are so blessed!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

18 Weeks & It's a Boy!!

Cannot believe I am 18 weeks already! Time is definitely flying by. We're almost to the halfway point. This week was big because we got to have our big ultrasound done to find out first and foremost if our little one was healthy, which it was, and second to find out the sex. We were very excited to find out we are having another little boy!! James is going to be a great big brother!
We did get a little bit of potentially scary news. My placenta is sitting directly on top of my cervix. They will scan me again at 28 weeks and if it has not moved we'll be having a scheduled c-section this time. Hoping to avoid that, so please pray that as my uterus grows the placenta will move up like it's supposed to.

Here's a few highlights from the pregnancy so far...

Size of baby: Was 9 ounces at the ultrasound on Tuesday
Total Weight Gain: I have actually lost 7 pounds!
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes, but they are getting tight. 
Gender: It's a Boy!! Charles "Charlie" Wayne Jacobs :)
Movement: I feel him move constantly and have for several weeks. It took me by surprise because I was much further along before I felt anything with James.
Food Cravings/Aversions: I miss being able to drink sweet tea without feeling sick. I am able to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches now. I went a long time not being able to eat them. They made me feel so sick. 
What I miss: SLEEP! Between hip pain and being up constantly through the night to visit the restroom I get very little sleep. 
Best Moment this week: Finding out we were expecting another sweet little man! All but a few people were convinced it was a girl, but I knew it was boy ;) James and Charlie will be best buds for life :)

I will leave you with a couple pictures of Charlie from our ultrasound :)

Painted Memories

When James was just 3 months old, a friend from high school invited us to attend a Painted Memories pottery party. What happens is you pick out the pottery pieces you like, paint your child's hand or footprints (or both) on your pieces, then they go to a woman named Donnae and she turns it onto a precious keepsake. I was super excited to go. She had a blog with some of her work so I checked it out and decided I wanted to have a cookie jar made. Here's how it turned out.

 Of course we went with a "Bama" Theme!

Love how it turned out!!

Well the same friend had another party just before Christmas, and of course we went again. This time I had a trivet and large plate done. Here's James getting all painted up :)

He did pretty well considering it was past naptime! I love how the pieces turned out and can't wait to have more done when James' baby brother Charlie arrives :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Wow, I can't believe Christmas has come and gone already. It kinda snuck up on me this year. We had a wonderful, busy couple of days. We started out Christmas Eve down at Jed's parents house. His oldest brother and his wife (who are expecting their first child a little under a month after our new one arrives!) came down for a night of yummy desserts and so we could exchange gifts. We drew names back around Thanksgiving. Jed drew my name. He got my a gift card to my favorite restaurant..The Cheesecake Factory! Me being preggo I have been craving cheesecake so I was super excited! Jed got the Playstation controller charger he had been wanting from his mother. James stole the show with all his gifts from from uncles, aunt, and grandparents. He loved his new truck, Mr. Potato Head (he fell asleep last night holding onto an ear and nose, ha!), and his new cell phone, just to name a few! We came home afterwards and got to open one more gift for the night. His Christmas jammies. He looked so cute in them! After a bath and of course reading "The Night Before Christmas" we went to bed eagerly awaiting the next morning!  Lazy little man slept in till nearly 10, so when we woke up he opened is gifts from Mommy and Daddy. He loved them all, even the clothes! Next up was Christmas at his Great-Grandma Kathryn's. It was about naptime so when we first got there he was kinda cranky, but as soon as cousins started arriving he got his second wind and had a blast. We ate good food, hung out with family, and then it was time to head to Nana and Pawpaw's for Christmas dinner at their house. We ate some more yummy food, watched Indiana Jones, and visited until James decided he had had enough and was ready for bed. We brought him home and of course he got another burst of energy. He eventually calmed down and fell asleep in like 2 seconds. He has spent all day playing with all his new goodies he got from all of our different family members. I have to say we are so blessed to have so many people who love our little man so much, and I know the new baby will be just as loved!

I hope you all had as wonderful of a holiday as we did! I will leave you with a few (well more than a few) pictures from the weekend 

Lots of Love,